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Huntington County Democrats Action Items and Vision

2020 is an election year the like of which many of us have never seen, and we hope to never see again.  But, in times of adversity, it gives us an opportunity for growth and a renewed sense of purpose.

Since our new Central Committee elections in July, we have tried to re-engage and re-energize our local Democrats to not only participate, but to take themselves out of their comfort zones, roll up their sleeves, and begin the hard work of rebuilding our local party. 

I am extremely optimistic about our future as Democrats here in Huntington County.  We are seeing more people get involved.  We are hearing from many more of you who want to help.  We are hearing from good people who are willing to put their names on the ballot.  But, most importantly, we are seeing a County party that is coming together for the betterment of our community, our State and our Nation.

But, without a clear direction, we don’t really know where we are going, what our mission is, or if we are missing an opportunity to reach more voters.

So here are the issues as we currently see them:

  1.  Branding ourselves.  You know why Trump won?  Branding!  He sold his voters a brand.  Not ideas, not policies, not anything tangible.  Just his brand.  WE have been branded by our opponents:  Snowflakes, baby killers, and my all-time favorite: “demoncats”. Our new logo is finished and is included on all of our correspondence, but this is just the beginning of changing the narrative about what it means to be a Democrat.

  2. Increasing our social media presence, messaging and value.  This includes expanding our message to Twitter, Instagram, Liker and other platforms used by the younger generations.  

  3. Recruiting our youth and those who feel disenfranchised by the "system" and the other side of the aisle who are no longer happy with their party's leadership or direction.  This responsibility will fall under the duties of the Deputy Chair of Voter Education and Development.

  4. How to break down the numbers from elections and what can be learned from them.  This training is dull but incredibly important for anyone involved in campaigns. We will delve into these numbers after the November elections.  It is tough for us to run based on our VAN system because we do not have a local Dem on the ticket and several Dems asked for a Republican ballot at the primary in order to vote for their friends.

  5. Candidate recruitment and development.  I think we need a sub-committee for this task.  We will need to do recruiting, vetting, training and help coordinate with the campaigns. This will be an on-going project.

  6. Community outreach and participation.   Each month we will be attempting some sort of project for community service and outreach.  These items will be set at the beginning of each calendar year, so that our members are aware far in advance of the service we request.

  7. Fighting voter apathy.  This one is up to ALL of us.  We must talk with people (friends, family, neighbors) to convince them that their votes do matter and in order for Democracy to work, all voices must be heard.

  8. Voter Registration and Voter education.  We need to have voter registration drives to register new voters, but also to allow people to double check that they are registered at their current address.  We also need to help inform the voters of their rights and a bit of education on the basics of voting.  Perhaps a bi-weekly ad, sponsored by the HCD (Huntington County Democrats) which explains different aspects of voting.  For example:  “did you know that you are allowed to vote for ANYONE on the ballot, regardless of party?”, or “Did you know that by asking for a Rep or Dem ballot during the Primary election is how you are entered into the system as one party or the other?”, or “Even though you have requested a certain parties ballot, no one knows WHO you voted for.”.  We will need a Deputy Chair of Voter Education and Development

  9. How to maintain our current base even if their "chosen" candidate is not on the ballot.  THIS IS A BIG ISSUE WE NEED TO TACKLE!  If you know anyone who would have preferred a different candidate, it is important to convince them to vote BLUE! 

  10.  Using our calm voices in the age of yelling.  It is very easy to get fired up over the unlimited supply of angering items that come at us every single day.  But we need to stay calm, stay focused and make sure we are representing our Party with positivity.

  11.   As the County Chair, I have the opportunity, as well as the responsibility, to appoint a Democrat to all Boards in the county.  This is to maintain a balance of power and a sense of fairness.  We will be looking for individuals who want to serve on those boards.  Please contact me or any of the Central Committee if you are willing to serve.

Huntington County Democrats leads campaigns that promote real solutions to some of the biggest challenges faced by society. We challenge the notion that the way things are is the way things should always be, and are proud to be a force for positive transformation.

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